Monday 23 February 2009

Our Power

Dayak sisters, we are women of immensed power.

We have the power to influence our menfolks, our children and the community we live in. We have the ability to multi-task. We have the ability to talk a lot (what men regard as incessant chatter) is actually our power to put to good use. Instead of sitting around and talking bad about so and so, let's use that power to discuss how to use our abilities in a better way.

If you are good at writing, please send in your articles to us at and we will post your articles here. If you need our help to edit it for you and post it here, please send it. We will help you air your thoughts for you. If you want to post a recipe, you can also send it to the email above.

Take care Dayung-dayung and Semba-semba.